
Friday, October 28, 2011


It is more than sad to see people who claim to be born again followers of Christ hanging up "Happy Halloween" decor on their front doors and encouraging their little ones to participate in the celebration of death.

For years we were taught to go into our homes that night, turn off the lights and hide in our basements... and for years I said "NONSENSE! I will not hide inside while the devils practice their holiday." Yet that's exactly what I saw my Christian brethren doing every year... if they were not actively participating in it.

I had often thought, "What's going on here? Christians are hiding inside while little children are roaming the streets, knocking on doors, begging for treats!" Good night, people -- this is a witnessing opportunity! I mean, how many people actually come knocking on your door in a year's time WANTING you to give them something other than money???

I can't wait for Halloween! I'm excited that it is not on a Sunday this year! I can be out and about PASSING OUT GOSPEL TRACTS to all the beautiful little children who don't know any better about Halloween. I can get the gospel to them, their brothers and sisters, their parents and friends... I mean THINK how FAR on gospel tract will go! Candy lasts but a moment... the gospel message can change a life!

The very first tract I ever saw I found on the floor of a movie theater when I was twelve. It scared me to death. I knew I had to get right with God! It was just a seed planted then. I got saved later at 21. Tracts are effective. I pass out the very same tract now to families every Halloween that I can.

If you are a truly born again Christian family, may I suggest that you get out on the streets Halloween night and pass out tracts. If you need tracts to pass out and would like to order some you can go to but order TODAY!

If you are a Christian family participating in this celebration of evil and death... may I suggest you examine yourselves as to whether or not you are truly saved... especially if this suggestion makes you mad because getting offended is a pretty sure sign something is wrong with you. I don't say that to offend but rather to help because there are SO MANY people who think they are saved and are not. Believing Christ exists is not salvation. Calling oneself a Christian is not salvation. Being a church member, pastor's spouse or pastor's child is not salvation. Reading your Bible does not save you, neither does being a good person. Many will accept Christ without repenting of sin...which leads to a false assurance of salvation. So please, please examine yourselves... your eternity absolutely depends on you coming clean with God... so be honest, very honest!

And if you are a saved person who is practicing Halloween... you must repent, get right with God, be cleansed and get a bag full of gospel tracts and hit the streets. You can be the reason many people in your town get saved and go to heaven!

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