
Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Frankenfood (noun) - A product that is generally accepted as food but is not.

When mankind takes God's perfect creation that nourishes and heals us and he turns it into a non-living thing so it will have longer shelf life and greater monetary profits for the business man, you have frankenfood. Our bodies cannot handle frankenfood. They don't know what to do but to pack it off somewhere in a mucous coated fat globule away from vital organs. Eventually, the body no longer has anywhere to stuff the unassimulated material and it gets packed in around the lungs, liver, heart, etc. The body can only handle this for so long until the stored material starts to absorb into the tissues causing inflammation which eventually leads to chronic distress like arthritis. Eventually, it reaches the organs and breakdown occurs. The liver gets too full, the pancreas can't keep up, the adrenals go into overdrive and peter out, the toxins invade the brain and short memory sets in which eventually leads to alzhiemers, other sensitive areas of the body (like breast tissue or prostate tissue) can't fight it anymore and cancer sets in. The body fights to throw it off through the skin, causing rashes, hives, and other skin conditions, or through the lungs causing asthma, bronchitis, chronic coughing, mucus, nasal and sinus problems, and then finally through the bowels, which get clogged leading to gas, irritable bowel syndrome, crone's disease and allergies. The love of money is the root of all evil.

On the other hand, real food has life and imparts life and the body knows just what to do with it... so long as you don't eat too much of it! Did you know heart attacks were mostly unheard of until the 1950's when white sugar and white refined flour became main staples in the diet? Neither were diabetes or cancer the epidemics they are today until processed foods hit everyone's tables. You see, disease is not a genetic thing, as the eugenists would have you believe. It is a diet thing and they know it! Those who control the food control the people. Put the food in the hands of the FDA, USDA, and the government controlled big food industries who denature the food and add taste enhancing chemicals to get you to eat it, and you have slow, manipulated mass genocide... it's all part of their plan. They WANT an overweight, unhealthy populace because tired sick people have no fight in them. Seeee???? We gotta wake up! Even pets with human diseases weren't heard of until the last twenty or thirty years. It's even in the pet food!

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