
Thursday, May 12, 2011

It's SO Simple...Yet SO Hard! is quite simple.  So simple in fact, that for quite a looong time, I totally missed it!  But now I have the answer. It's just a matter of applying it... which is so hard!

I have struggled with my weight all my life.  When I was 5 my mom recorded in my notebook that I was getting chubby.  When I was eight, I weighed ten pounds more than the other kids my age.  I was devastated and embarrassed... at 8 years old, mind you!  I began to believe my personal value was connected to my size and looks.  My mom struggled with weight and self-esteem all her life and no diet she ever went on was successful.  So I decided, why diet?  It doesn't work!

Well, I continued to gain weight steadily over my growing years, always 10 or 15 pounds more than I should have been.  After I got into college, I gained 30 pounds almost overnight!  Well, that officially plunged me into the FAT zone where I have been stuck for 20 years now, only now I've crossed over into the obese segment and I am soooo discouraged!  Where is it coming from?  What am I doing to cause this?  I eat normal portion sizes and don't overdo on sweets.  I admit I love butter and put it on everything, especially popcorn!  I exercise moderately, too.  So WHY, oh WHY, am I gaining weight???

My husband says I have to burn more calories than I take in.  Yeah, I've done that and didn't lose a pound.  1300 calories everyday for a month did absolutely nothing to help me and exercising regularly during the same month yielded zero results.  That was a BIG indicator to me that something is blocked!  I decided to take Jill's advice and get a Live Blood Analysis done.

The analysis showed I have very healthy red blood cells, due to a good diet, the lady told me, BUT there was a BIG problem!  I have Candida!  A-ha!  The old monster is still there!  I found out I had candida when I was 21 years old.  I conquered it and my extra weight with a special diet and my energy went through the roof.  After my oldest daughter was born, I discovered it had come back again! Well, no wonder!  My diet was terrible back then! I half heartedly fought it with diet and did lose some weight but never got my energy back up to where it had been.  Then two years ago, when my family and I moved to a new church, the weight started climbing again.  That time was one of the most stressful times of my life as we were hounded, slandered and threatened by cultish-minded people.  Candida thrives in a stressed out body!

So today, my weight is once again an all consuming issue for me and silly as it is... I had forgotten the simple, simple formula to fighting the candida and losing the weight!

1: Eliminate the BIG 3: sugar, white flour, and rancid oils!
2: Exercise a little more.
3. Support the body with cleansing and nourishing foods and herbs. 

That's it.  I don't have to drink 2 gallons of water a day.  I don't have to count calories or join a gym and work myself to death.  I just have to eliminate the BIG 3, which is present in ALL processed foods and some healthy foods like fruit, fruit juices, potatoes, breads, packaged goodies, etc. and I have to make sure I get a little more exercise than I have been.  That's what I did all the other times I lost weight. HELLO! as good ol' Preacher Silcox used to say!  I know... it's the "Duh!" factor.  The hard part is getting myself off all those things once again.  Pray for me.  It's going to be a challenge but with God's help I'll get back in the saddle again!

Next blog I plan to talk about the BIG 3 and HOW they affect our health so much.

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