
Friday, October 28, 2011

This Was Your Life!


It is more than sad to see people who claim to be born again followers of Christ hanging up "Happy Halloween" decor on their front doors and encouraging their little ones to participate in the celebration of death.

For years we were taught to go into our homes that night, turn off the lights and hide in our basements... and for years I said "NONSENSE! I will not hide inside while the devils practice their holiday." Yet that's exactly what I saw my Christian brethren doing every year... if they were not actively participating in it.

I had often thought, "What's going on here? Christians are hiding inside while little children are roaming the streets, knocking on doors, begging for treats!" Good night, people -- this is a witnessing opportunity! I mean, how many people actually come knocking on your door in a year's time WANTING you to give them something other than money???

I can't wait for Halloween! I'm excited that it is not on a Sunday this year! I can be out and about PASSING OUT GOSPEL TRACTS to all the beautiful little children who don't know any better about Halloween. I can get the gospel to them, their brothers and sisters, their parents and friends... I mean THINK how FAR on gospel tract will go! Candy lasts but a moment... the gospel message can change a life!

The very first tract I ever saw I found on the floor of a movie theater when I was twelve. It scared me to death. I knew I had to get right with God! It was just a seed planted then. I got saved later at 21. Tracts are effective. I pass out the very same tract now to families every Halloween that I can.

If you are a truly born again Christian family, may I suggest that you get out on the streets Halloween night and pass out tracts. If you need tracts to pass out and would like to order some you can go to but order TODAY!

If you are a Christian family participating in this celebration of evil and death... may I suggest you examine yourselves as to whether or not you are truly saved... especially if this suggestion makes you mad because getting offended is a pretty sure sign something is wrong with you. I don't say that to offend but rather to help because there are SO MANY people who think they are saved and are not. Believing Christ exists is not salvation. Calling oneself a Christian is not salvation. Being a church member, pastor's spouse or pastor's child is not salvation. Reading your Bible does not save you, neither does being a good person. Many will accept Christ without repenting of sin...which leads to a false assurance of salvation. So please, please examine yourselves... your eternity absolutely depends on you coming clean with God... so be honest, very honest!

And if you are a saved person who is practicing Halloween... you must repent, get right with God, be cleansed and get a bag full of gospel tracts and hit the streets. You can be the reason many people in your town get saved and go to heaven!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Frankenfood (noun) - A product that is generally accepted as food but is not.

When mankind takes God's perfect creation that nourishes and heals us and he turns it into a non-living thing so it will have longer shelf life and greater monetary profits for the business man, you have frankenfood. Our bodies cannot handle frankenfood. They don't know what to do but to pack it off somewhere in a mucous coated fat globule away from vital organs. Eventually, the body no longer has anywhere to stuff the unassimulated material and it gets packed in around the lungs, liver, heart, etc. The body can only handle this for so long until the stored material starts to absorb into the tissues causing inflammation which eventually leads to chronic distress like arthritis. Eventually, it reaches the organs and breakdown occurs. The liver gets too full, the pancreas can't keep up, the adrenals go into overdrive and peter out, the toxins invade the brain and short memory sets in which eventually leads to alzhiemers, other sensitive areas of the body (like breast tissue or prostate tissue) can't fight it anymore and cancer sets in. The body fights to throw it off through the skin, causing rashes, hives, and other skin conditions, or through the lungs causing asthma, bronchitis, chronic coughing, mucus, nasal and sinus problems, and then finally through the bowels, which get clogged leading to gas, irritable bowel syndrome, crone's disease and allergies. The love of money is the root of all evil.

On the other hand, real food has life and imparts life and the body knows just what to do with it... so long as you don't eat too much of it! Did you know heart attacks were mostly unheard of until the 1950's when white sugar and white refined flour became main staples in the diet? Neither were diabetes or cancer the epidemics they are today until processed foods hit everyone's tables. You see, disease is not a genetic thing, as the eugenists would have you believe. It is a diet thing and they know it! Those who control the food control the people. Put the food in the hands of the FDA, USDA, and the government controlled big food industries who denature the food and add taste enhancing chemicals to get you to eat it, and you have slow, manipulated mass genocide... it's all part of their plan. They WANT an overweight, unhealthy populace because tired sick people have no fight in them. Seeee???? We gotta wake up! Even pets with human diseases weren't heard of until the last twenty or thirty years. It's even in the pet food!

The Way We Think Today Will Be Our Tomorrow

Yes, this is interesting. How true it is that the majority of people follow the crowd or the popular idea or belief in nearly every area of life without realizing it is not only to their temporal detriment but to their eternal detriment as well. What we do and how we think in everyday life is a reflection of how we determine our soul's everlasting future!

Here's what most people are trained to think today...

1. Don't trust God to know how your children should be educated. Certainly do not trust him to provide for you to educate them yourself. Send your kids off to government schools at the expense of godly character development because its just more convenient.
2. Get them vaccinated and compromise their future health because if you don't, you are a bad parent putting your children's health and lives at risk.
3. Eat Franken- food that has been sprayed, irradiated, processed, denatured, boxed, and totally lacks any life or any complete nutrition and then wonder why you have skin conditions, sleeping problems, irritablilty, weight gain, no energy, bad teeth, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Don't ever think for a moment that God would provide a source for you to obtain healthy food that is still exactly the way he designed it and can actually nourish and heal your body. Continue to believe that healthy food is just too expensive and doesn't taste good.
4. Go to the doctor for every little ailment and get a prescription for dangerous drugs that have a a VERY LONG list of contra-indications instead of just healing yourself with God's perfectly designed alternative... herbs.
5. Don't trust God's plan for a healthy pregnancy and the almighty doctor who stands ready with numbing drugs, wires, monitors, scalpels, epidurals and other unnecessary invasive tools and techniques (not to say there are never emergency situations that actually DO require intervention).
6. Do your duty... get out there and VOTE, but don't discuss who to vote for and certainly don't try to dissuade anyone from how they plan to vote...unless you're pro democrat, pro-socialism...then it's ok.
7. Keep watching the news and news programs (who certainly think how a woman cuts her hair is of great national importance and who are more than twinkly-eyed happy to continue playing the Pied-Piper's song as we all fall over the precipice of indifference). Don't bother taking an active role in what's going on in our country. By all means, remain blind to the socialist Marxist agenda stealthily taking over the country (perhaps you will wake up when you and your children are in total slavery and you realize there is no escape).
8. Make sure you show up at church, at least at Christmas and Easter. Don't do any deep soul seaching, don't seek God or attempt really know him or have a relationship with him. To do so is for weak people who need a crutch. If you are a Christian, just keep doing your "duty" to attend the "church of your choice" while you watch godless TV shows and movies, jam to rock n roll, and waste hours upon hours on the internet and leading your family to do the same. No room for holiness, no room for separation, no room for God or obeying his commands.
Well, I can go on, but you get the point. These are all things that we have been taught to ignore or keep hush-hush about. It's not considered appropriate to talk about these things in our society. It just causes arguments which no one wants to get in to. Have you noticed hardly anyone ever talks about the deeper issues anymore? Our conversations are primarily about the weather, the last hunting adventure or our children's late, great accomplishments. Bring up the issues that matter and everyone gets quiet real quick. Then, of course, there'll always be someone who wants to argue with you about it. Intelligent, calm discussion is not an option. Taking action is not an option either. You're a fanatic if you do... a trouble maker, someone going out of their way for nothing.
Relationships aren't deep anymore. Neighbors don't talk to each other. The only people I ever see sitting out on their front porches are the elderly who dream of days gone by and people on welfare who refuse to get a job. We can't talk to each other anymore because we are stuck in our homes with eyes glued to the screen. Are you aware that we are already a self-censored society? We don't talk because we fear. Fear is the ultimate tool in slavery, is it not? As long as we fear, we will not expose ourselves. As long as we fear, we will not pursue relationships, we will not talk to each other, put our heads together and come up with solutions. We will not ban together and fight for righteousness and holiness and freedom. We're pretty well sacked in this country, but guess who won't be... those who are out there on the front lines, the Noah's, the Jeremiah's, the Elijah's. Those who are truly in a close relationship with God, will escape. Are you awake? Are you aware what's really going on here? Are you doing something about it? The time of God's return is upon us. There were five foolish virgins who missed the Lord's coming and five wise virgins who were watching and ready. What category do you belong in?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Teaching Babies to Feed Themselves

My husband,Kevin, and I had been waiting for quite some time to go to this Italian restaurant near our home with the deep red and gold painted walls, green checkered table cloths, and authentic Italian paintings that glowed with the flickering candle light. The incredible smell of sumptuous Italian sauces with garlic and olive oil filled the air and our mouths watered as we watched the waiters bring hot steaming lasagna and baskets of fresh bread to the customers' tables. I sat my seven month old baby, Marek, in the highchair beside me and pulled out his bib making sure to spread it evenly over his little tray. In a little while, our food arrived. I acquired an extra plate from the waiter, chopped up a bit of my meal in little tiny pieces, and handed the ceramic dinnerware to my seventh month old along with one of his little baby spoons I'd brought from home. We all sat quietly eating our meal and enjoying it thoroughly when I heard a woman's voice from behind saying, "Honey, look at that tiny baby! He's feeding himself and he's not even making a mess!" It wasn't the first time I'd heard that and it dawned on me that I had taught my son to do something very unusual. In the weeks following, I started noticing other little babies, and even three and four year olds!, making huge messes all over the floor, all over themselves, and leaving it all to mom or some other poor soul to clean up. Someone once said that if you train your child to obey you from the very beginning of their lives, they will be a refreshment to you. While I watched relatives', friends', and others' children throwing food on the floor, smothering it in their hair and smearing it all over the table, flinging it across the room and staining their clothes with it, I sat in amazement and immeasurable gratitude at the neat and clean smiling baby who's only mess resided on his little bib.

I know what you're thinking. I just have a really smart, gifted baby. Well, no. Over the years, I've had my bubble of pride burst again and again, realizing that my child is just an average kiddo like everyone else. What makes the difference is training. After reading some child training books when my son was just a newborn, I got the idea that if I can train him not to touch dangerous things, or crawl up a flight of steps, and to pick up his toys when he's through, certainly I can teach him how to hold a spoon and feed himself without making a mess. So when he was old enough to sit up on his own, hold an object and eat solid foods, which was for Marek around 6 months, I started training him to feed himself.

It is really quite easy. First, make sure your baby can sit up on their own, hold an object, and can eat solid food like baby cereal or pureed fruits and veggies. Next, set baby up in the highchair and sit in front of him. Place the spoon in his hand with your hand over his. Direct his hand to scoop up the food in his dish and bring it to his mouth. At first this will be a new exercise and baby may decide not to co-operate, but I found in teaching all my children this same way, that as soon as the food gets into their mouths, they're more than willing to play this "new game". An important extra step for you, mom, is to smile and encourage a lot everytime your baby complies with each new command.

Continue the same motion of scooping the food hand over hand and bringing it to baby's mouth over and over until he understands the movement and can do it on his own. This will take a few days. When baby understands how to operate the spoon on his own, you can then take your hand off, but keep it nearby, ready to catch any wayward movements and redirect the hand back to position. It will just be a matter of time before your child will test his boundaries and try to fling food or a dish across the room or attempt to dress himself in it. When this happens, you must firmly tell baby "No" and show him again, hand over hand, the correct way to hold and operate the spoon.

Now, your children are very smart and they will know what is expected of them, so keep up the training and do not give up! Remember, the moment you stop training is the moment you have taught your child that they are in control and that is extremely disastrous! So keep working faithfully, hand over hand at every meal, every day until your child fully understands how to eat properly. Then, wherever you may be, mealtimes will be a refreshing time to enjoy your food and family!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Let's Talk About Eggs: Part 1...continued

As I was saying...
"Pasture raised" eggs basically means your eggs come from chickens that were free to move about in fresh air, roam around in green grass and eat bugs, berries, and fresh plants at will. Store bought eggs, on the other hand, come from chickens that have never seen the sun, never felt fresh air or even know what it smells like, and have never touched or tasted natural chicken food at any time in their short, pathetic, cramped, diseased lives. These poor birds are stuck in stuffy, cramped chicken houses, given meds to keep them alive long enough to produce and then when they keel over from overworked, improperly nourished, sick bodies, they are scooped up in piles by a tractor and disposed of.

Now, store bought eggs are what some people refer to as FRANKENFOOD, because they are not natural and hardly represent anything like what God created and meant eggs to be. Pasture raised eggs are rich in every nutirent under the sun, have more Vit A + D than store bought milk (which is all fake anyway...but that's another story for another day), contain elements necessary for nervous system development in children, strengthens cell walls, keeps the mind sharp, is very high in lecithin which keeps cholesterol moving...and does NOT CAUSE HEART DISEASE! These eggs also have a perfect ratio of essential fatty acids whereas store bought eggs have a SEVERELY whacked out ratio of 19:1which will lead to MAJOR health problems for the consumer over the years!

So here are just a few details on good eggs verses bad eggs. Next time we'll talk a little more on where to get the good eggs, some characteristics of eggs you should know, and how to eat them.

Again, when I say store bought eggs, I am talking about eggs that are produced in large commercial capacity that come from GRAIN-FED chickens that live in stuffy chicken houses and are DISEASED! I'll have to mention more on why and how these birds are diseased because I know some of you are thinking, "How could they sell it to us if they're diseased? Surely the government won't allow it!" Well, my friend, you don't know the government...but stick with me and it will all come clear.

Until next time...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Let's Talk About Eggs: Part 1

My chickens mill around the yard eating bugs, scooping up fruit that's fallen from the trees and making nesting holes in the mulched flower beds around the house.  There was a time when it seemed odd to me that people would have chickens walking freely around their homes. I even read an article that said when you till your garden, just let the chickens in with you and they'll eat up the grubs they find in the dirt.  Again, something I had a hard time picturing, but raising my own chickens was, in my mind, becoming a necessity.
As I studied nutrition, I came across information alerting me that the eggs I was buying from the store came from diseased chickens! I immediately stopped buying them and because we still lived in town at the time, I sought out a local farmer who had pasture raised eggs.  The movie Food, Inc. displayed quite an eye opening view of the typical poultry farm and it was enough to make me never want to eat another store bought egg again. I recommend everyone watch it!

Store bought eggs, next to store bought milk, are some of the worst man-made concoctions a person can put in their mouth... let alone their children's mouths.  So, in part one of this series, let's just first consider a few things we should all be aware of regarding eggs:
  • Most of the eggs currently sold in supermarkets are nutritionally inferior to eggs produced by hens raised on pasture. 
  • Eggs from hens raised on pasture show 4 to 6 times as much vitamin D as typical supermarket eggs. 
  • Pasture raised eggs have 1⁄3 less cholesterol• 1⁄4 less saturated fat• 2⁄3 more vitamin A• 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids• 3 times more vitamin E• 7 times more beta carotene.